Night Shower Ritual

Did you ever had that weird feeling while showering? That feeling of dizzines or disorientation? Especially while you are washing your hair. You just fell so sleepy, so relaxed. The walls around you just seem to be gone, like you are no longer in the bathroom. Did you know that you can use that same "feeling" to visit the alternative reality? To experience the "shadow world"? Well, since you are here, I will explain the "ritual" to you.
In order to do visit the "shadow world" you will need:
-white candles (a lot of them, you will use them to light your way through

your house

-an empty, big house (it must be done in a house, not in a flat),

-white paint,
-black cloth,
-a bathtub

with a shower,

-pictures of Jesus Christ, Saint Mary and other christian saints if you want


-a shampoo, or shower gel with the most appealing smell to you.
Once you have all that you, follow the next instructions:

The Preparation:

Before you shower, you must make sure that its night, and there isnt any light in the house except the candles. The best candles to use are the white, short and wide ones that you can place on your floor, table ect. If there is any light coming through the windows, cover them with the black cloth. Then place the candles all around the house (the floor, tables ect.) They will be your only light. Before the ritual, paint a big white cross (it must be a cross) on the doors of you bedroom. Inside of your bedroom place the holy pictures and write a few prayers, if you cant remember them. In front of your bathroom and bedroom doors place 2 candles by the side of the doors.  And remember, you must be completely calm for this ritual. If you are scared, or stressful please dont do this ritual. Fear will stop you from accomplishing the full potential of the ritual. So, if you done The Preparation you now ready for The Ritual.

The Ritual:

The Night Shower Ritual must be done around midnight. Turn all of the lights off in your house, place the candles, cover the windows and do the Preparation. Once you have finished The Preparation, enter the bathroom (in complete darkness) , step into the bath, close your eyes, relax and breath deeply, and finally take a shower. Put you shampoo or shower gel on you, rub it gently while being completely relaxed. Once you get a feeling that walls are dissapearing and that you are falling in a trance-like state, chant this Latin incantation:
''Animum vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Vis, vis, vis.


Then open your eyes. Congratulations! You are now in the "shadow world"!

But be aware that even if it looks the same as your regular house, it is not your house! Slowly exit the bathroom without falling out of bathtub. Now you can explore the "shadow world". Explore the house. See what has changed. Remeber to always stay calm! Dont try to switch the lights on! The candles must be your only light through the house. NOW SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT: DONT LEAVE THE HOUSE!!!!! BY LEAVING "YOUR HOUSE" YOU RISK NEVER COMING BACK!!!!!

So, if you have finished your exploring, or you just fell disturbed or paranoid you MUST proceed to the next step.

Ending The Ritual:

If you feel uncomfortable that means the Shadows are coming near you. Dont worry about seeing them behind you or being "jumpscared" by them. They have no face, but they are always lurking around so they are dangerous! To end The Ritual, go to the door of your bedroom (the one with the white cross on it), calm yourself a bit and enter the room fast. Close the doors immediately. You are now safe, but you are still in the "shadow world". Pray to your saints, God (or Gods) and with faith that those saints can save you, go to sleep. BUT BEFORE YOU FALL ASLEEP YOU MUST SAY THIS LATIN INCANTATION:

''Imum vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Vis, vis, vis.''

Remember that you can do this ritual more than once, but be aware that the next time you visit the "shadow world" Shadows will know who you are and there is a much greater possibility that they will attack much sooner. Please, use this material with caution becuase even if you dont believe in it, it doesent mean it doesent exist. If you want to contact me here is my email:
                                           ) 13:43, March 29, 2016 (UTC)